Ending the Myth - EP 15 – The Truman Show w/ Justin Roll
February 13, 2022 12:00 PM PST
Justin Roll from the History Sucks podcast joins the gang to talk Harry Truman, WWII, the 1944 DNC, and the start of the Cold War.
Check out History Sucks’ four-part series on Harry Truman
Support Starbucks workers’ unionizing campaign by donating to their strike fund and signing a petition of support. Listen to Mechanical Freaks’ interview on the union campaign here.
Visit the Ending the Myth page for updates, sources, and suggested readings
Up Next: We will be supplementing our discussion of chapter 11 of The End of the Myth with a very special guest here to give us an economic update on the post-war economic boom in America and what has happened since!
Show music by Bjorn/Fleksor
Show art by Carl