Same as It Ever Was
December 15, 2022 8:30 PM PST
This week: a very spicy " src="https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/v/12.1.5/72x72/1f336.png">
" src="https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/v/12.1.5/72x72/1f336.png">
" src="https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/v/12.1.5/72x72/1f336.png"> Seattle Sucks
" src="https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/v/12.1.5/72x72/2122.png"> type episode with Greg and Brian. We’ve got SPD insanity, the Harrell Machine, naive local political heroes! We’ve got the Seattle Times patting itself on the back for assimilationist gay rights that are built on sand even as trans and queer people are increasingly targeted for political murder! Finally, we have for you one of the worst opeds maybe ever in the Times, wherein the Che of gay rights in WA recounts her story of the revolution (a lesbian wedding). To hear more about the history of gay Seattle and pride as a march and protest vs a marketing parade check out this old banger with Dr. Kevin.
Read the Seattle Times pat itself on the back, and the words of a revolutionary
Listen to our episode with Dr. Kevin to learn about the history of gay Seattle and pride