Where’s My Garden?
August 30, 2022 9:20 PM PDT
The Stranger’s Hannah Krieg joins us to talk about the new Harrell administration and their old tactic of attacking the homeless.
The Stranger’s Hannah Krieg joins us to talk about the new Harrell administration and their old tactic of attacking the homeless.
Listen to the episode in its entirety on Patreon patreon.com/posts/71049341
We bring in the pros from Dover to talk childcare and labor organizing with Kailin, a member of the newly formed Magnolia Childcare Union, and its struggle to gain recognition.
Listen to the episode in its entirety on Patreon patreon.com/posts/70841656
The boys follow-up the discussion from last week’s episode and talk nuclear secrets and the new restaurant wars before talking about the Seattle City Council’s vote to give police hiring bonuses and the exciting new future of professional work.
Listen to the episode in its entirety on Patreon patreon.com/posts/70476746
Yeah you. What are you doing on Sunday? Probably nothing. So why not show up at the rally to support the Magnolia Childcare Union at Ella Bailey Park in Magnolia Sunday August 14th at 1pm.
We bring on historian and friend of the show Matthew Van Duyn to discuss Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and the history of tensions between the United States and China over the island.
(Pictured above, Westlake in the conflict-free days 20 years ago) Greg shares with us a tale of friendship before we dive into the Seattle Times’ Jon Talton’s tale of woe. It’s a study of contrasts, deconstructed and made palatable for you the listener!
Chuy is back to tell us about some exciting news out of the LA Sheriff’s Department and to give an important Texas update.
Listen to the episode in its entirety on Patreon patreon.com/posts/69180170
Munya catches us up on the latest trials & tribulations in the world of F1 racing. And Brian asks what’s been going on in Seattle while he was away in sunny Los Angeles… only to discover that Seattle still sucks.
Listen to the episode in its entirety on Patreon patreon.com/posts/68719906
They’re coming for us. The supreme court has taken away your very bodily autonomy, and they won’t stop there. The Fed is engineering a recession to further proletarianize you. It’s a class war, folks, and we know what side we’re on.
Listen to the episode in its entirety on Patreon patreon.com/posts/68210378
The gang is back in their individual bunkers contemplating the burning questions of our day: Is Donald Trump simply too macho? Will blue haired egirls at Columbia declaring that they are bi turn Michael Cera into a Nazi? And what’s Hillary Clinton up to these days?
Listen to the episode in its entirety on Patreon patreon.com/posts/67951228
The gang is back on the boat to take a deep dive into the Fed Chair’s monetary policy and how we were all turned into foam for the jumbo jet of finance to crush on the runway of life. Part 1 of 2.
Listen to the episode in its entirety on Patreon patreon.com/posts/67652494
This week the boys are back in town, and on the boat, and defending our phony baloney jobs. We get serious and talk love, marriage, faith, and most importantly: divorce. Also, Madison (@AetherUnbound) fills us in on the ongoing struggle for LGBTQ rights at SPU.