Reading (For Nerds)

Mayor Franklin's Plan for Boeing Layoffs: Learn to Code, or Become an Entrepreneur

In her statement on October 1st, Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin announced that in the wake of planned layoffs at Boeing, the city would be collaborating with organizations like Everett Community College, Washington State University, and the Northwest Innovation Resource Center to “retain and tap into the skills of displaced workers”. This week, the mayor’s office released their collaboration plans for two of the three institutions: the Northwest Innovation Resource Center and Everett Community College. Mayor Franklin’s plans to offer laid off workers one of two choices so far:

ByBen Karpelman

Boeing Only Wants One Thing

On October 1st, Boeing announced that it would move all 787 production to South Carolina. It was announced as a required "cost-cutting" measure due to the tanking economy and the fall-out from Boeing sending 346 people to their death in plane crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia – crashes caused by prior "cost-cutting" measures undertaken by the company.

BySeattle Sucks Editorial Board

Living in the Neoliberal Apocalypse

In June, wildfires crossed into the Arctic Circle, making them the first wildfires recorded north of the 66th parallel in human history. Blazes in Siberia have already burned through an area the size of Greece this year. It is the worst wildfire season on record for Russia, surpassing the 2019 wildfires, which surpassed the 2015 wildfires, which surpassed the 2010 wildfires.

ByBrian Platt

Washington Sucks Primary Voters Guide

We all know Gov. Jay Inslee will effortlessly get through the primary with an overwhelming win, despite him doing little to nothing to address homelessness, progressive tax reform, protecting tribes from Puget Sound Energy or his subpar response to Covid-19. There are THIRTY FIVE people running against him. Sadly, of the leftist challengers, none are serious candidates who have done the campaigning or fundraising necessary to take him down, meaning we’re stuck with him. That is, at least until the General - which could get interesting if Eyman makes it through the primary given last year's statewide results in favor of his car tabs initiative. Pramilla is also a shoe-in, but we love her. What about some of the other less well known positions and races in this Primary? Here’s a quick guide featuring those that aren’t as visible as well as some progressive candidates who need your support!

ByCassidy Butler

Communists Around Every Corner: The Ideological Weapons of the New Cold War

On June 26, Donald Trump signed an executive order on "Protecting American Monuments." The order was Trump's response to the protests against anti-Black police brutality and systemic racism that have wracked the United States since the murder of George Floyd. On the same day, the White House website published an address given by National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien two days earlier about "The Chinese Communist Party's Ideology and Global Ambitions." Both of these documents are notable for shamelessly deploying McCarthyite, anti-communist rhetoric that uses the threat of "Marxism" as a boogeyman to authorize both repression at home and imperial aspirations abroad.

ByMatthew Van Duyn

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Sat, Jun 29 2024 9:34pm

The boys stare into the abyss and discuss terminal imperial decline, the Trump vs. Biden debate, and ask the burning question: what exactly do they disagree on?

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